
CommsProvider Chooses Wildix For Full Solution

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CommsProvider Chooses Wildix For Full Solution

Outside-the-box thinking delivers results for MSPs

During the Wildix EMEA Partner Day in 2023, we had the opportunity to sit down with partners and discuss their journey through the Wildix ecosystem. One of these is Dan Farmer, head of business systems at CommsProvider. The company is based near Halifax in West Yorkshire and offers a range of telecommunications solutions to suit any modern business.
CommsProvider first learned about Wildix in 2018 at Channel Live, the largest ICT channel event in the UK. “Wildix looked like a great product that was just establishing itself,” says Dan. “About a year after the event, Ian Rowan came and saw us and demonstrated it. We were convinced, signed up and it’s been in our portfolio ever since — quickly becoming the leading product there.”
Before Wildix, CommsProvider offered Samsung products exclusively. The key pain point, however, was third-party products. “There was a disconnect between the software and hardware,” states Dan. “Wildix has everything — the end-to-end hardware and software system.”
Since 2019, however, there have been a lot of changes at Wildix. Key changes that Dan has seen include the integration of the as-a-service model and the release of CLASSOUND, x‑bees and x‑hoppers. “It’s good to see that there is a roadmap and a future vision,” he notes. “I like that Wildix thinks outside the box, and it’s so far delivered.”
We move on to CLASSOUND, Wildix’s SIP trunk. “It’s good for companies with multiple international offices, and it works seamlessly,” says Dan.
CommsProvider Chooses Wildix For Full Solution
The conversation moves on to other options and what CommsProvider is seeing in the market. “About 99% of our business is now Wildix,” notes Dan. “Some companies are heavily invested in Teams, so sometimes we have to do direct routing into it. However, it’s not a nice experience to use Teams — especially not for the user. Teams makes our life a lot harder. It’s a very expensive solution that doesn’t really deliver a lot of flexibility.”
When it comes to selling, the long-established WhatsApp‑Teams combination that’s found in many businesses can be tricky to compete against. However, Dan is quite relaxed about it: “We don’t compete against those products. It’s more about focusing on the value that we bring, such as composing dialplans in the backend, and you can’t do some of the clever stuff that Wildix. With Teams and WhatsApp, you can’t do any of that.” He pauses for a moment and then adds, “You can’t stop people from using WhatsApp, and even if a business hasn’t implemented that method you still find that people will have business conversations over it. But you can encourage good practices with a great solution.”
We talked for a short while about what makes Wildix great for partners. Dan mentioned again the future and the roadmap, among other aspects. He finishes off with this: “Wildix is good to work with and cares about their partners and their commitment. There’s even a partner community where everyone can interact and share their ideas. There’s no hiding. When issues arise, you can see they’re being dealt with, and that’s a massive thing. They deliver the end-to-end software, hardware, SIP trunks and brilliant sales and marketing support.”
CommsProvider Chooses Wildix For Full Solution