

General Information

Contact us for general information on products, partnership, logistics, promotions, purchasing procedures. 

Wildix Help Desk INTL

Wildix Help Desk UK

Andrew Dalton

Customer Success Specialist

Santhia Viknesh

Demand Generation Specialist

Kellie Barrett

Office Manager and HR Admin Assistant

Sales & Marketing

Steve Yates

Senior Channel Manager

Steve Clark

Partner Development Manager

Alla Daleko

Channel Marketing Manager

Nino Bešević

Partner Sales Executive

Will Smith

Business Development Representative UK

Daniel Storah

Pre-Sales Engineer

Alexandra Kalin

Channel Marketing Assistant

Tech Support

You are already a Wildix Partner and you need technical assistance? Contact us or open a ticket on WMP.

Partner Help Desk

Graham Dixon

CTO x-hoppers & Head of Support UK

Olly Wootton

Deputy Head of Support UK

Chris Lloyd

UK Technical Support Engineer

Tim Crompton

UK Technical Support Engineer

Konstantin Pundyk

UK Technical Support Engineer

Max Lekontsev

UK Technical Support Engineer

Vlad Pryzhyhalinskyi

UK Technical Support Engineer

Max Timofeev

UK Technical Support Engineer

Wildix Global Team

Alex Aston

Head of New Partnerships

Borja Garcia

Head of Business Development & Customer success

Daria Koval

Purchasing Manager

Elena Kornilova

Product Marketing Manager

Fabrizio Di Chello

Global Support Manager

Francesco Berlanda

Logistics Manager

Giulia Perotta

Head of Demand Generation

Nicola Giovanazzi

Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Roberta Terranova

HR Manager West Europe & US

Stuart Brown

Content Strategist - Senior Copywriter


Wildix OÜ
Laeva tn. 2,
10111, Tallinn, Estonia

Tel. +372 (61) 89586
VAT ID: EE 101984698


Wildix srl
Sede Legale:
Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 22
20124 Milano (MI) Italy

Sede Operativa:
Località le Basse, 3
38123 Trento, Italy
Tel. +39 0461 1715111

P.IVA IT01928890225


Wildix U.K. Limited
Rolt house, Coventry Canal Basin,
St. Nicholas Street, Coventry,
West Midlands, CV1 4LY

Tel. +443300 563 634
VAT ID: 276226491



800 N High Street

Columbus, OH 43215

Tel. 614-484-1500


Wildix SARL
9, rue du Quatre Septembre
75002 Paris, France

TVA : FR 44498492743
Siret : 498 492 743
APE : 721Z


Wildix (Switzerland) AG
Renggerstrasse 60
8038 Zürich, Schweiz

Tel: +41 44 508 75 73
USt-ID CHE-399.330.583

Wildix for large accounts

Everexloud OÜ
Laeva tn. 2,
10111, Tallinn, Estonia

Tel. +372 (61) 01842
VAT ID: EE 102208140


Odessa, Ukraine
Bunina St, 10
Business Center Marine-1
Tel. +380487340658