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Wildix Announces Progress in
 ­Evacuating Ukrainian Employees

Press release

Tallinn, Estonia — March 4, 2022 — The international unified communications company Wildix confirmed today that, in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the company is taking efforts to ensure all its employees in Ukraine are moved safely to other areas. Though it will take additional time to ensure the full safety of affected staff, currently around 80% of Wildix’s Ukrainian employees have relocated to safe locations, including those in neighboring Romania, Moldova and Hungary. Others have transferred to Trento, Italy, where a major Wildix office is located. Wildix reports that the employees still in Ukraine are those who either chose to remain or are unable to relocate.

Wildix has had a significant relationship with Ukraine, including stationing its main research and development center in Odessa in 2007. Currently, the company reports that it is monitoring the situation hour by hour to further ensure the safety of its employees.

“Unequivocally, Wildix stands with Ukraine and our Ukrainian colleagues,” said Steve Osler, Wildix CEO. “Our number one priority will always be to the safety and wellbeing of our team, and I’m relieved beyond words that our affected team members have largely been moved to safety.”
Steve Osler
Steve Osler
CEO and co-founder of Wildix

As an international company with hundreds of worldwide partnering MSPs, Wildix has also seen support in these efforts from its network.

“Already I’ve received dozens of communications from business partners around the world extending their support for our Ukrainian team members. I cannot thank those partners enough,” Steve said. “It is inspiring to see the Wildix ecosystem come together on this issue. I want to tell the whole world — and our Ukrainian team members especially — that Wildix and every one of our business partners is united in our support of Ukraine’s safety and independence.”

Wildix has also since opened a webpage dedicated to collecting funds, clothing and children’s toys to assist all affected Wildix employees and their families. Interested donors can help in those efforts by visiting the webpage at

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