SMS Sender allows you to withdraw a list of users from any ODBC data source to send a text message through the Wildix gateway at a predetermined time, as well as to send the log of operations to a specified email address, including a *.csv file with the list of contacts to whom the SMS has been sent and to whom, on the contrary, the system failed to send the message.
- The software is automatically running in background mode and can be accessed from the Windows toolbar icons.
- Connection to any ODBC source base; therefore, since it’s a normal ODBC driver, it enables connection to any database. An .mbd (Microsoft Access) file is provided during the installation; it contains preconfigured fields used by the program. Just open the ODBC Data Source Administrator of Windows, add the DSN, give it a name and associate it to the file. Then indicate the file name given to DNS of ODBC inside the application. If the data source is active, it is possible to edit the data directly inside the program: access the section “show grid form” to view the contents of the table and to edit it.
- Mail sending ability with the option to configure any SMTP server, with or without authentication. SMS Sender allows you to send either a copy of all the text messages sent or their summary to email.
- Possibility to schedule SMS sending after specific time.
- Logs are sent to email indicating all the operations performed with a CSV file attached, containing the list of contacts to whom the message was successfully sent and to whom the system failed to send the message, and a CSV file with original record made to the database before sending the message.
- During the setup it’s possible to test the mail sending, to check the connection to the Wildix PBX and the connection to the OBDS.
- SMS Sender is provided in trial mode without expiration. It allows you to send test messages and to check all the functions. At the end of each test message it is indicated that it’s a demo version. After each five attempts the application is closed. To continue the tests, it’s sufficient to launch it again.
- To activate the license, contact StarSystem IT. As soon as your data is added to the StarSystem IT database, you can start using the application and all its functions. For mass SMS sending, it’s possible to obtain more licenses for the same gateway.
StarSystem IT is a dynamic company founded as a result of collaboration between professionals working in IT industry and in business management. StartSystem IT develops high-quality software for any needs and offers third-party software to provide the customers with the different tools that favor the productivity growth.