Houchin Community Blood Bank is infused with flexible, fully self-manageable communications technology

"With Wildix, managers can see call data in close to real-time, and we can manage our employees better because we can see that insight and have immediate responses to certain behavior. Just by being able to hold those people accountable in the recruiting department, we’re getting good results on the sales side."
Tyler Stafford, Director of IT and CIO at Houchin Community Blood Bank
The Problem
The Solution
“It just was a good fit because the system had the right features, but also we had a good working relationship with Mike and I trust him to be able to take some of the maintenance burden off of me.”
The Results
“The two things where Wildix really moved us ahead were being able to do call recording without any additional licensing or anything like that, and then CDR-View for call analytics,” Tyler explained.
“And that’s the benefit with Wildix: that manager can see that stuff in close to real-time, and we can manage our employees better because you can see that insight and have immediate responses to certain behavior. Just by being able to hold those people accountable in the recruiting department, we’re getting good results on the sales side.”
- Call recording without extra licenses or equipment
- In-house call analytics without extra licenses or equipment
- Easier access to internal system data
Value Gained
- Automatic call recording and automatic offloading of audio files
- Flexible modular setup of communications components
- Real-time call center data
- Accountability for call agents
- Scalability
- Consistently functional phones and handsets